
Tomatoes became disease-free after application of “Gain”

Tomatoes became bigger and disease-free after a combined application of “NutriZin 700” and “Gain”

Rice grower amazed to see the results of “InstaBor 150” and “NutriZin 700”

Rice transformed after application of “Super”

Seed treatment of grains with “NutriZin 700”

Garlic became sturdier and more developed with “NutriZin 700” application

Wheat showed phenomenal growth after application of “NutriZin 700” and “Gain”

Soybean grew orders of magnitude after “NutriZin 700” application

Disease free and well grown peanuts observed after application of “Ziddi DF” and “Gain”

Satisfied cotton farmer after using “Gain” and “InstaBor 150”

Satisfied cotton farmer shares his feedback on “Gain” and “InstaBor 150”

Satisfied cumin and chilly grower, shares his experience with “NutriZin 700”

This pomegranate grower got a higher value after using “InstaCal 160” and “InstaBor 150”

Satisfied peanut grower sharing his feedback on “Gain”

This grower observed that his pomegranates became soft and big after applying “InstaCal 160” and “InstaBor 150”

Cumin grower happy with the results of “Gain”